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Hypnosis Coach Application

Hypnosis helps even if everything else fails.

James Braid

  • Gain new clients with your online presence on the Hypnosis Portal.
  • No commission. Interested parties will contact you directly.
  • Clear flat rate: € 880 net annually in advance, € 580 from the second year onward. One-time registration fee: € 480 net.
  • Professional translation of your profile into English and presentation on our German Hypnosis Portal https://www.coaching-place.de/
  • Optionally, your clients can receive regular new articles from the Hypnosis Blog via email (available in German).
  • We will send your profile in a separate newsletter to all our subscribers.
  • Get the Coaching Place Hypnosis Portal quality seal for your website.

Coaching Place Hypnosis Seal

Your Profile

  1. Graduated from a university – Academic degree: PhD, Master, Bachelor, Diploma, etc. + Completed hypnosis training

    Completed non-medical practitioner training + Completed hypnosis training

    Training to become a Hypnocoach at Coaching Place Hypnosis | Hypnocoaching

  2. Mostly positive reviews from hypnotees on online portal review sites.

  3. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), the largest and oldest hypnosis association in the world, or comparable proven experience in the practical application of hypnosis.

  4. Last but not least:
    In your role as a Hypnocoach, it’s not just the joy of the job that fulfills you. Even after years of experience and application, you consistently discover new wellsprings of enthusiasm in the fascinating possibilities of hypnosis. Your motivation to support people and enhance their quality of life remains unwavering. The enjoyment of continuous learning and your professional development, coupled with an enduring curiosity for the latest insights from research and science, shapes your unique approach. A radiant smile graces your face when you witness your clients achieving their goals.

Please complete the following application form. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to email us at info [at] coaching-place.de. We look forward to receiving your application.

    * = These fields are required

    Boost Self-ConfidencePresent ConfidentlyStudy EfficientlyMaximize Sports PerformanceMaster FlirtingFulfill DreamsCalm Your ThoughtsRelieve StressQuit SmokingLose WeightStop BruxismChange HabitsBeauty HypnosisImprove SleepActivate Self-HealingExperience HypnosisFight Fear of FlyingOvercome HeartbreakMiscellaneous

    I hereby give my consent for the collection, storage and use of my personal data for the purpose of the application. *

    I hereby declare that all of the information provided by me is true and correct. *

    The Hypnosis Portal with Excellent Reviews and Highest Quality Standards

    Coaches as seen in:

    Hypnosis Coach Certificate by NGHGütesiegel des Deutschen Instituts für Klinische HypnoseHypnocoach Certified by DVHErfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Coaching Place Hypnose | HypnocoachingDeutscher Verband Hypnose