A True Miracle – The Human Body
We often underestimate the power of our own body to regenerate and repair itself. The human body is constantly hard at work renewing cells or eliminating defects in the DNA. The inner cell layer of the intestine alone renews itself every 3 to 5 days, thereby ensuring that it consistently functions. The immune system works around the clock as well to fend off malignant viruses and bacteria or to repair bones.
Self-healing is therefore something that happens in the body all by itself. We can, however, significantly influence how intense the process is. Various factors strengthen or weaken the body’s own self-healing powers. Stress, for example, negatively impacts the regeneration capabilities of our body. Our inner turmoil has consequences: keeping our innermost feelings bottled up can put a strain on our self-healing powers or bring them to a complete standstill.
Hypnosis Activates Your Self-Healing Abilities
Hypnosis activates your self-healing powers. You get in touch with your subconscious and clear subconscious blocks, release repressed emotions, and eliminate negative thinking and behavioral patterns.
Mental blocks disrupt our self-healing powers. In hypnosis, we can tap into these blocks and get rid of them. You break from entrenched ways of thinking and release your fears. Your imagination has the ability to strengthen your self-healing powers. Another example is wound healing, which hypnosis can accelerate 2-3 times faster. It comes as no surprise then that people can alleviate their physical discomforts through hypnosis.
Activating your self-healing powers will boost your energy and happiness levels. Some of our hypnotees start feeling the effects during the hypnosis.
Activate your self-healing abilities through hypnosis today.
Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.