Teeth Grinding: Cause and Effect
Grinding your teeth at night (bruxism) is a common affliction these days. The latest research has shown that one in two people suffers from occasional bruxism, while one in five grinds their teeth or clench their jaw every night. But the jaw doesn’t only become tense at night. Some also grind and clench their teeth during the day.
Over a long period of time, this unconscious behavior can result in extremely negative side effects. Not only are your teeth being put to the test more than necessary, but it can also cause tension in the jaw and neck muscles, damage to the bone structure of the jaw joint and headaches. People who grind their teeth at night often wake up the next morning and are still tired and exhausted because bruxism can negatively impact the quality of your sleep. Many of those suffering from the condition have to use pain-relieving and muscle-relaxing medication in order to get the issues under control.
The reasons behind this behavior are only rarely a physical condition. Usually, the root of the problem is related to mental issues: Stress at work, personal conflicts, anxiety and unresolved problems are often to blame for nightly teeth grinding and tension of the jaw muscles.
How to Stop Teeth Grinding?
How to stop teeth grinding? The most common treatment is the use of an individually fitted mouthguard. The plastic retainer is fitted onto your upper or lower teeth by a dentist, putting a physical barrier between the teeth and thus stopping them from grinding together. Another method would be physiotherapy, where massages are used as a way to relax your jaw muscles. Even less tried and tested and with less medical basis would be the use of Botox, the well-known neurotoxin, in order to relax your jaw muscles. This paralyzes the muscles, making it more difficult to grind your teeth for a certain period of time. Although they are effective, all of these methods have one commonality: They only treat the symptom.
Hypnosis is the Gentle Method Against Teeth Grinding
A different approach to the matter is a fully personalized hypnosis session. This way the cause of teeth grinding will be resolved with your own psychological resources. Hypnosis is a state of deep mental relaxation during which targeted suggestions are made in order to resolve the underlying causes of tensions and stress.
The hypnotee feels more relaxed and calmer. After just a few sessions, your complaints will have mostly permanently disappeared. In comparison to other methods, there is no need to fear any side effects.
Hypnocoaching does not replace a dental exam. You must rule out that you don’t grind your teeth or clench your jaw while sleeping or during the day because of a physical cause, such as a jaw misalignment.
Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.